adjudicatory functionの例文


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  1. But we have an adjudicatory function, which requires giving all parties due process ."
  2. This advisory jurisdiction is available to all OAS member states, not only those that have ratified the Convention and accepted the Court's adjudicatory function.
  3. The Supreme Court of Korea is composed of the Chief Justice of the Republic of Korea, and 13 other Supreme Court Justices, 12 of which have adjudicatory functions.
  4. The United States Sentencing Commission was not performing an adjudicatory function; rather, it was exercising a policy-making power appropriate for judicial officers and uniquely within their expertise.
  5. Pursuant to the procedures set forth in Part 4 of Division 4, California workers'compensation disputes are heard before the Workers Compensation Appeals Board ( WCAB ), which inherited the adjudicatory functions of the Industrial Accidents Commission.


  1. "adjudicative tribunal"の例文
  2. "adjudicator"の例文
  3. "adjudicators"の例文
  4. "adjudicatory"の例文
  5. "adjudicatory authority"の例文
  6. "adjudicatory hearing"の例文
  7. "adjudicature"の例文
  8. "adjudin"の例文
  9. "adjugate"の例文
  10. "adjugate matrix"の例文
  11. "adjudicatory"の例文
  12. "adjudicatory authority"の例文
  13. "adjudicatory hearing"の例文
  14. "adjudicature"の例文

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